The iconic Serge Lutens bottle can now be given several lives thanks to the refill of Féminité du bois, a mythical, pure and essential perfume from Serge Lutens' Collection noire.
Un bois sépia, a fresh, elegant and sensual perfume in Serge Lutens' Flacon de table collection. Notes: Woody, amber, aromatic, earthy notes, patchouli
L'Eau Serge Lutens, a clean, sustained and obvious perfume in Serge Lutens' Matin Lutens collection Note: Aldehydes, white musc, clary sage Certified vegan formula
Dans le bleu qui pétille, a happy, sparkling and vibrant perfume in Serge Lutens' Matin Lutens collection. Note : Laminaria algae, sea spray, coriander seeds Certified vegan formula
Parole d'eau, a deep, intimate and eternal perfume in Serge Lutens' Matin Lutens collection. Notes: Siberian pine needles, lemon zest, eucalyptus leaves Certified vegan formula
In the twinkling of an eye
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Be careful with her, she's a tough one! Notes : Natural pink berry essence, Turkish and Bulgarian rose, Notes of iris Certified vegan formula
La fille de Berlin, in a new limited edition bottle, a stunning, spicy and thorny perfume by Serge Lutens in the signature Collection noire. Notes : Rose, Pepper Certified vegan formula
La religieuse, a pure, contrasting and mystical perfume from Serge Lutens' Collection noire. Notes :Bergamote, Jasmin, Encens
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